TENDER PROCEDURE Developing e-consultation online portal for Government of the Republic of Srpska" - re-launch

PCM Consulting intends to award a service contract for ‘Developing e-consultation online portal for Government of the Republic of Srpska’ within the realization of the project „EU FOR Civil Society (EU4CS) – Capacity building of Governments to include CSOs into the decision making, Bosnia and Herzegovina“ financed by the European Union.

The complete tender dossier may be downloaded from TD for EU4CS TEN 2023 NO1 re-launch

The deadline for submission tenders is October 26th, 2023 before 16:00 (time zone of the country of the Contracting authority).

CANCELLATION OF A TENDER PROCEDURE Developing e-consultation online portal for Government of the Republic of Srpska"

September 06, 2023


II.1.1) Contract Notice Title: ‘Developing e-consultation online portal for Government of the Republic of Srpska,

Bosnia and Herzegovina’
II.1.1) Contract Notice Reference Number: EU4CS-TEN-2023-NO1 (2022/440-009)

IV.2) Administrative information
IV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure: Not applicable
Notice number in the OJ S: Not applicable
Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: U <number>/2023/ EU4CS-TEN-2023-NO1 (2022/440-009)
Lot No: N/a
Title: ‘Developing e-consultation online portal for Government of the Republic of Srpska,
Bosnia and Herzegovina’
A contract/lot is awarded: No

V.1) Information on non-award
The contract is not awarded: No suitable tenders were received.
VI.3) Additional information:
Should a new tender procedure be launched for this project, a new contract notice will be published, unless the contracting authority awards the contract through a negotiated procedure –
in which case only the award of the contract will be published.

Cancelation of a tender procedure ref EU4CS TEN 2023 NO1


"Developing e-consultation online portal for Government of the Republic of Srpska"

PCM Consulting intends to award a service contract for ‘Developing e-consultation online portal for Government of the Republic of Srpska’ within the realization of the project „EU FOR Civil Society (EU4CS) – Capacity building of Governments to include CSOs into the decision making, Bosnia and Herzegovina“ financed by the European Union.

The complete tender dossier may be downloaded from TD for EU4CS TEN 2023 NO1

The deadline for submission tenders is August 29th, 2023 before 16:00 (time zone of the country of the Contracting authority).

‘Developing Portal for the Economic Social Council (ESC) of Brčko District’, Bosnia and Herzegovina – publication reference EU4CS/TEN/NO5

PCM Consulting intends to award a service contract for “Developing Portal for the Economic Social Council (ESC) of Brčko District’, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with financial assistance from the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018-2019 (allocation – 2018) of the European Union.

The complete tender dossier is enclosed to this notice.

The deadline for submission of applications is July 1st, 2022 before 16:00 (time zone of the country of the Contracting authority).

Invited offerors may download completed tender dossier from TD za EU4CS TEN NO5

‘Developing the web platform for online submitting project application and project narrative and financial reports for funding projects and programmes by public institution in BiH’ – publication reference EU4CS/TEN/NO4

PCM Consulting intends to award a service contract for “Developing the web platform for online submitting project application and project narrative and financial reports for funding projects and programmes by public institution in BiH’, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with financial assistance from the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018-2019 (allocation – 2018) of the European Union.

The complete tender dossier is enclosed to this notice.

The deadline for submission of applications is February 25, 2022 before 12:00 (time zone of the country of the Contracting authority).


Download completed tender dossier 

Online alat za pripremu i podnošenje projektnih prijeloga kao i narativnih i finansijckih izvještaja o relizovanim projektima finansiranih iz javnih fondova u BiH


Nabavka uključuje izradu web alata za pripremu i podnošenje projektnih prijedloga kao i narativnih i finansijskih izvještaja za projekte finansirane iz javnih fondova u BiH


  • 49.000,00 BAM


Informativna kampanja organizacija civilnog društva i građana o procesu kreiranja i usvajanja budžeta Republike Srpske i unapređenje njihovog učešća u procesu izrade budžeta


Nabavka uključuje realizaciju PR kampanje u cilju informisanja organizacija civilnog društva i građana o procesu kreiranja i usvajanja budžeta Republike Srpske i poboljšanja njihovog učešća u budžetiranju, kako bi taj proces bio jasniji i transparentniji.


  • 13.000,00 BAM


Razvoj interaktivne IT platforme za upravljanje projektima i baza aplikanata Ministarstva za evropske integracije i međunarodnu saradnju Republike Srpske


Nabavka uključuje razvoj IT alata za komunikaciju Ministarstva za evropske integracije i međunarodnu saradnju Republike Srpske sa organizacijama civilnog društva u vezi sa pristupom fondovima EU i uključivanje u procese planiranja i donošenja odluka za poboljšanje upotrebe mogućnosti dodjele bespovratnih sredstava iz EU i drugih potencijalnih finansijskih izvora.


  • 10.000,00 BAM


Modul za javne konsultacije prilikom izrade standarda Instituta za standardizaciju BiH i modul za online čitanje standarda Instituta za standardizaciju BiH


Nabavka uključuje razvoj IT alata za komunikaciju Instituta za standardizaciju BiH sa organizacijama civilnog društva u vezi sa obrazovanjem i primjenom standarda, kao i uključivanje organizacija civilnog društva u procese donošenja odluka u usvajanju novih standarda (u okviru tehničkih odbora Instituta)


  • 15.000,00 BAM